
因為這堂課是英語會話, 老師說要每個人都要準備一篇短短的文章跟同學們分享







以下就是我自己寫好的講稿, 紀錄我的小小作品 :P


Good evening everyone, My Name is Caren.

Today I would like to share with you about my experience of learning Yoga.

I have been learning yoga for 2 years & I'm still very enjoy learning it.

The reason why I start learning yoga is because of my sister, who learns yoga first

and leads me to the yoga field.

I can still remember the first time of my yoga class, my body is very stiff and I cannot

bend too much, also I have no idea how to control my breathing, not to mention those

complicated postures. When I woke up the next day, I felt my body is screaming & muscles

are so painful as it's not my body anymore. But after a few more classes, I'm getting

use to it and I can bend more and more.

Yoga changed me, not only from outside of the body but also inner mind.

To learn yoga may not loose more of your weight, but it can keep you in a better body

shape. Someone said if you start learning yoga you will remain a younger look than your age.

Before learning yoga, I used to have backache problem and hunchbacked problem, I often

feel very tired and out of energy everyday, many friends told me that I should not hunch

my back as it's not good looking, but somehow it's so difficult for me to make the change.

After learning yoga, I've found my hunchback problem has been improved a lot, and my back

is not so painful, I'm not getting tired so easily and feel more energy and confident

than ever before.

Sometimes, even after a hard-working day or a bad day, I would also go to yoga class,

by doing gentle yoga therapy always can refresh my mind, relaz my body, and I can just let

go of those annoying things from my mind. Even now I'm still very enjoy learning yoga.

Have you ever learned yoga before???

If you don't then don't hesitate, come and feel the power by yourself.

Thank you.

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