Time flies so fast~~

It’s almost a month since I’ve been in the new office.

Now things are getting more & more clear for me to understand how they are working on whole procedure, but of course I still will make some mistakes when actually doing the work.


Now my offwork time is very late ( usually after 7:00pm) almost everynight, I mean compares to the days in TahHsin is really late for me… ^__^ (can’t go home on time >”<)


Sometimes...Deep in my heart....

I asking myself : Am I doing the right choice???

Because I’ve never imaging it’s gonna be so so busy in this company…>”<

I wonder if I start to work overtime everynight,

will I have time to learn something new or to do Yoga class?? 

The answer might be "No." but can be "Yes."

In fact, if I'm stil work in TahHsin, then I won’t have this kind of stupid  questions. Of course I can go anywhere I want to after work, even go to class again.

However, there is a voice pushing me:

Don't spend your whole life staying only at one company, you should go outside to see the real world, to get more experiences.

So...Here I am....

I'm in new office, to learn more things....

Hope I can do better and better....

Wish to be the BEST of the BEST!!!!!



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